Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Valuable Items to Have in Your Study Space

Dear Friends,
     In order to avoid the need to leave your work space and waste valuable study time searching for needed items - why not pull all the items you need and leave them at your work space? Below is a checklist that will get you started along the process of pulling together study items:
  1. well-lit desk or table
  2. stapler / staples
  3. crayons/colored pencils/markers
  4. white out
  5. tape
  6. paperclips
  7. paper (lined and graph)
  8. calculator
  9. large wall / desk calendar
  10. pens / pencils
  11. pencil sharpener
  12. timer (should work for 15 - 30 min. and then give about a 5 minute break)
  13. reference sources (dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, etc.)
  14. computer (use for your work - don't let it become a distraction!)
Happy Studying!

Kimberly Borin and Kim Turse
Learning Specialists