Wednesday, September 21, 2011

PIRATES Test Taking Strategy

Dear Friends,
     Below is a Test Taking Strategy for students.  Take a moment to look at this simple list of ideas - that spell out "Pirates."
Good Luck!
Kimberly Borin
Kim Turse,
Learning Specialists

“PIRATES” / Test Taking Strategy

P: Prepare to Succeed
Put name and pirates on your test
Decide on order will do test and time
Give self a pep talk
Start within 2 minutes

I: Inspect the Directions
Read instructions carefully
Highlight or underline key words

R: Read, Remember, Reduce
Read the entire question
Remember what you have studied
Reduce (eliminate choices)

A: Answer or Abandon
Answer the question
Abandon the question for later

T: Turn back
Go back to abandoned questions – make educated choices

E: Estimate
Avoid absolutes (all, always, every, no, none, never, only)
Eliminated similar choices

S: Survey
Survey to make sure all sections are answered
Switch an answer only if you are sure

Based on method developed by Hughes, Schumaker, Deshler & Mercer:
Hughes, C., Schumaker, J. Deshler, D. and Mercer, C. (1993).The Test-Taking Strategy. Lawrence, KS; Edge Enterprises, Inc.