Monday, September 26, 2011

Understanding the Eight Multiple Intelligences

Dear Friends,
     Below is an overview of the different intelligences and ways to study that are connected with each type of intelligence. The information is based on Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and was taken from the sources below:

Interpersonal Intelligence/People Smart
Overview: These individuals are good with communicating.
Methods of study:
Form a study group
Cooperative learning project
Someone quizzes you
Peer tutor someone else
Role play / simulations
Interview someone knowledgeable about the subject
Video conferencing
    Intrapersonal Intelligence/Self Smart
    Overview: These individuals are good with analyzing and self reflection.
    Methods of study:
    Journaling about what you learned
    Connect the material being learned to your life
    Imagery (memory technique)
    Retype notes
    Needs quiet during study – no interruptions
    Brainstorm test questions and answer the questions
    Design a practice test and do it
    Study alone
    One on one tutoring
    Take breaks and use relaxation techniques

    Kinesthetic Intelligence/Body Smart
    Overview: These individuals are good with movement.
    Methods of study:
    Act out what is being learned
    Connect to real life
    Use manipulatives / computer games
    Take a walk while studying / kick a soccer ball, etc.
    Use different writing implements to recopy notes (computer, dry erase, pens, colored pencils, etc.)
    Squeeze a relaxation ball (Koosh) while studying
    Need breaks to move and refocus /relaxation techniques to decrease mental fatigue
    Hands-on activities
    Build a model
    Interact with others when studying
    Link a movement to something you are studying
    Move to different rooms to study different sections of the material

    Linguistic Intelligence/Word Smart
    Overview: These individuals are good with words.
    Methods of study:
    Take notes while reading or listening / recopy notes
    Keep a journal of what you learned
    Discussion groups / Study groups
    Reread information into a recording device
    Underline key words
    Say / hear / see words/ information
    “Read, Write, Talk, Listen” is the motto of this intelligence
    Write reports / poems / essays
    Teach others
    Retell stories
    Write and answer ?s you believe the teacher will ask
    Word games
    Books on tape
    Talk to self while studying “self talk” method

    Logical – Mathematical Intelligence/Number Smart
    Overview: These individuals are good with math & logic.
    Methods of study:
    Put information into graphs or charts
    Roman numeral outlining method
    Divide information into categories / patterns
    Use timelines
    Write out step by step processes
    Do experiments
    Find cause & effect relationships
    Mind mapping (Example of a mind map:

    Musical Intelligence/Music Smart
    Overview: These individuals are good with rhythm.
    Methods of study
    Create a rap, song, rhyme for the information to be learned
    Link sounds to materials that need to be remembered
    Listen to music in the background – classical without words works best
    Clap or snap a rhythm with information
    Multimedia presentations

    Naturalist Intelligence/World and Nature Smart
    Overview: These individuals are good with connecting to the natural world.
    Methods of study:
    Webbing – graphic organizers
    Summarize material with bullet points
    Find patterns between information
    Talk to a pet – like you are teaching them the material
    Color coding / highlighting
    Connect class material to real life

    Spatial Intelligence/Picture and Art Smart
    Overview: These individuals are good with images.

    Methods of study:
    Sketch pictures to go with notes
    Connect visual images with vocabulary words
    Graphic organizers
    Color coding system / highlighters
    Create posters
    Make models / charts / drawings
    Say / Copy / look method for spelling
    Mind mapping
    Example of a mind map (

         Just by looking at the list, you may find study habits that are familiar to you as well as some you would like to try. What is most important is to find the study habits and ways to learn that work for you and will help you to learn for the rest of your life.

    Thank you!
    Kim Turse,
    Learning Specialist

    Multiple Intelligence Theory -
    Howard Gardner -
    Literacy Works -