Here is a great list of different types of tests put together by Mrs. Turse. This is a great overview of what might be expected of you.
Best of luck to you. You will do great!
Kimberly Borin
Kim Turse,
Learning Specialists
Different types of tests require different study techniques. To feel success in varying testing situations, students must know the different formats and some techniques to try.
Overall for any test. You should be able to answer the following questions:
1) When is the test? Write the info. In your planner
2) What will the test cover? (from hand-outs, chapters, or certain pages)
3) What type of test? (there are different ways to approach diff. types of tests – see below)
4) How many questions will be on the test? (helps you know how much each question is worth)
5) Will there be an extra help session, study group or review day in class?
6) If I was the teacher what questions would I ask?
7) Do I have a study plan? It is better to study a little each day then to cram the night before. Plan out what and how long you will study each night.-use a calendar to plot it all out—it is good to include extracurricular activities so you can adjust studying each night to fit with outside activities
True/False Questions Strategies
• Read the entire question – the first half could be correct and the 2nd half could be false
• Decide if the sentence is a fact or opinion – if it is an opinion then it is false
• Watch out for the words always and never – USUALLY these indicate false statements because they are pointing out exceptions to most rules
Multiple Choice Strategies
• Fully read the question – do stop part of the way through
• Read all the choice – one could work, but there could be an even better choice
• Try not to spend too much time on any one question
• Anticipate what you believe could be the answer prior to reading the choices and see if what you thought of is in the answer section
• Watch the words all of the above and none of the above – for all of the above ALL choices must work, for none – none of the answers are correct
Essay Questions
• Read all of the directions – maybe you don’t have to answer all the essay questions, maybe you have to include a certain number of words, etc.
• If the test is timed – figure out how much time you can devote to each essay question in order to finish on time
• Jot down a few brainstorming ideas in order to focus your thoughts
• After writing your piece, check it – does what I am trying to say come out clearly?
Matching Tests
• Understand the directions – can words be used more than once?
• Cross off answers as you use them
Fill in the Blank
• Scan the test and do the questions you are absolutely sure of first
• Use the context words (words around the blank) for clues
• Cross off words as you use them
• After making a selection – reread the statement to see if it makes sense