Dear Friends,
In this post we will be exploring the executive skill of “Shifting and Flexibility.” In this executive skill we draw on the resources of resiliency as we help student shift gears, think outside the box and be willing to compromise and adapt. These skills are of course helpful for life but also for school projects and school work as students have to adapt to changing expectations and their own changing needs.
Some strategies for strengthening Shifting and Flexibility include first noticing how a student is handling moments where change and flexibility are required of them. It will be important to first address the emotional reaction of students before helping them to think of the many different options available to them. Some students may need help with brainstorming new ways of doing things – and may have to work through this by talking, writing, drawing or being shown what options they have. This skill takes practice. The ability to let go of something that is not working and move in a new direction is not easy.
Wishing you the ability to think outside of the box!
Kimberly Borin
Learning Specialist