Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pre, During, and Post Reading / Aiding Comprehension

Before Reading Activities
· To encourage the student to activate their background knowledge and experience
· To have the student make predictions about what the text will be about
· To set the purpose for reading
· To improve comprehension
Pre-Reading Strategies:
1) Graphic organizers or brainstorming to determine what the child knows already about the topic, wants to learn about the topic and later about what they learned once instruction was provided
2) Preview text – looking at the titles, subtitles, photos, etc.
3) Make predictions based on previewing of the text
4) Set a purpose for reading
5) If answering questions – read the questions first "prep the brain for its purpose"
6) Research general information about the topic to develop a basic understanding that more detailed information can later be attached to
7) Preview difficult vocabulary
During Reading Activities
· To assist a student in constructing meaning from text
· To develop connections to the real world
· To encourage a student's active participation, thinking and self-monitoring as they read
During Reading Strategies:
1) Graphic organizers
2) Reading response (journal, taking notes, highlighting, post-it notes in text, etc)
3) Check predictions and adjust them as new information is learned
4) Reading text aloud
5) Retell the text / information in your own words
6) Reread for meaning
Post – Reading Activities:
· To bring a sense of closure after reading
· To increase long-term retention of the material
· To apply new knowledge to already existing knowledge
· To draw conclusions
· To prepare for assessments
Post Reading Strategies:
1) Organizers
2) Writing connections
3) Assessments
4) Projects
5) Compare and contrast to other material/novels
6) Retellings